Easy Ways To Organize Pots & Pans

Bradley and I purchased our house with the intention of quickly completely gutting our kitchen.  However, we found out I was pregnant right around the purchasing time, which has changed our timeline a little bit!  🙂  We thought when we first moved in that we could just make due with the kitchen for a few months since we were going to replace it.  However, me not working for a year has definitely pushed back our kitchen renovation to the point that we had to organize the current one.  Here is what we were dealing with when we first moved in:

There was so much stuff in this drawer, that it was literally falling out of the bottom (YUCK)!!!!  I had hit my limit, so I one day snapped and decided that this needed to be fixed asap. Once I started opening doors and really taking a close look, I noticed that our cabinets were a HOT MESS!!!

It was so hard to grab a pot or pan, which drove me crazy!!!  It was also very difficult to find a lid, which I was not a fan of because we cook all of the time.

Also, when I really started looking, I saw the above.  THIS IS SO FLIPPING DANGEROUS!!!  The blade to our food processor was just hanging out to where it would be SUPER easy to cut your hand (luckily, this picture was taken before Maddie came about, so please don’t judge 🙂 ).  Once I saw this, I immediately grabbed my 20% off Bed, Bath and Beyond coupon and went to the store.

I have been looking at Pinterest a lot for organization ideas, and I was really intrigued with storing things vertically.  One of my biggest pet peeves is to have to move one thing to get to another.  I wanted some sort of vertical storage system, but I didn’t want to spend a ton due to the fact that our little bundle was on the way.  This is what I found to fit my needs:

These were a little more than what you would find at cheaper stores, but they were a heavier grade material and could therefore support more weight.  They were $14.99 a piece, but I actually ended up having two 20% off coupons that I got to use as two separate purchases – woot woot!

One of the first things you need to do when you organize is to take EVERYTHING out of the cabinet and clean.  I mean EVERYTHING!!!!  This is the perfect opportunity to clean those cabinets that probably need to be cleaned.  🙂  This is also a perfect opportunity to group like items together (pans, lids, cutting boards, etc) and get rid of things that you never use.  After a little bit of work, here are some pics of our new and improved cabinets:

It is now super easy to grab our lids, mini food processor and pans.  I wish that we had enough room that the pans on the right weren’t stacked, but we had to make due with the room that we have in our current kitchen.  We are completely gutting our kitchen in the next few months, so this is one of the areas that we are going to address.

All of our baking pans and cutting boards are now super easy to grab, which makes my life so much easier!  I bake a lot more since I had a child (for playdates, parties, etc), so the easier my life is, the better.  I was also able to get those muffin tins out of the bottom of my stove, so now I no longer have any of them hanging out in the floor – yay!


We have organized a lot more in our kitchen, so stay tuned for future posts!  What have you done to get your kitchen better organized?  We would love to hear your stories, so feel free to leave a comment below!  🙂




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