The Top 5 Things I Learned This Summer At The Playground

With summer finally coming to a close, I find myself reflecting on all of the fun times that my family had this year.  We spent hours and hours at the pool, took long walks throughout our neighborhood and spent many lazy days at home in our pajamas.  One of the things we did more of this year too was take Madeline to the playground.  She was too little to enjoy it last year, but we really tried to make it a point to go over the past few months.  It is nice to get some fresh air, and it is a great free activity for your family!  After making several trips, and having time for some self reflection, I realized that I had learned 5 big life lessons during my time at the playground:

Kids will get dirty….and that is okay Now, I would be lying if I said that I didn’t love nice baby clothes.  However, I don’t put them on my child when she is going to go play on a bunch of outdoor equipment.  If you want to, then great, just don’t turn around and limit what your child can participate in just because you chose to dress them nicely.  Kids will get dirty, and that is a part of life.  Embrace it, and buy lots of stain remover and detergent!  🙂

Please stay off of your phone – It is wonderful having 24 hour access to video and pictures, but remember why you are there…to spend time with your child, and NOT to enhance the look of your Instagram page.  I am just as guilty as the next person for taking too many pictures, but I try to make it a rule to have no cell phone time for a large portion of the trip.  It is so important to actually play with your child, so put down those phones!  I try to snap only a few pictures at first (which is how I got all of these), and then my phone gets put away.  It works really well because I get my few pictures, and then it is time for fun!  Also, please don’t spend all of your time on a phone call.  I have witnessed multiple people being on the phone during their ENTIRE visit, while their child just stood there and played by themselves.  Please recognize that this time is extremely precious, and take advantage of it while you can.

Please stop comparing your child to other children – This is especially true if your child is STANDING RIGHT THERE!!!  Sadly, I witnessed a lot of mothers at the playground using the opportunity to “one up” each other on who’s child was doing the most advanced  activities first.  This is life, not a competition.  Children are under enough stress these days, so the last thing that they need is you pushing them past their limits, just so they can do something before another child.  Development will happen, so please don’t make life a competition.  Be happy for other families in their accomplishments and live your own life.

Also, please stop gossiping in front of your children – The famous phrase “More Is Caught Than Taught” definitely applies here, in more ways than you know.  Children absorb things like little sponges, and they are going to act how you are going to act.  Please model kindness in front of them.  You will especially be glad you did this when they are older.  🙂

Lastly, be present with your child – Don’t sit there on a bench, not paying attention, while they are playing.  Go out there, have some fun, and actually play with them.  Childhood is so short, and think of all the precious memories you could create by the simple act of playing.  They won’t be little for long, so go and have some fun with your kiddos! 


What other lessons have you learned on the playground?  Please feel free to leave a comment, because I would love to hear from you!



P.S.  Please visit my Instagram , Facebook and Pinterest pages for more fun ideas from One Cheerful Mom!


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2 Replies to “The Top 5 Things I Learned This Summer At The Playground”

  1. I believe you have the “Mommy” concept down pat. It generally takes a couple of kids to realize the things that you have posted, Great post.

    1. onecheerfulmom says:

      Thank you so much, Ms. Pat!!!! 🙂

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